Tuesday, September 30, 2008


RULE :Each player of this game starts off with 15 weird things / habits / little known facts about yourself.
People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 15 weird habits /things / little known facts as well as state this rule clearly.
At the end, you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names.
No TAG backs!

1. I break into a paroxysm of sneezes every morning!

2. I must have my 4 small lovely pillows in my arms before I am able to sleep.

3. I have low resistance towards a messy and dirty place and MUST clean it.

4. I LovE Bollywood!! (Oh wait, I guess everybody knows that by now)

5. I watch "America's Funniest Home Videos" every weekdays before I start my revision.

6. I like baju melayu..

7. I cannot resist playing a new Piano piece/score!

8. I realised I have this bad habit of overusing the phrase "That's why".

9. I read the Entertainment part of the newspaper before proceeding to read the whole paper.

10. I like funny people!

11. Loves taking videos! random ones!

12. I dream of having a huge swimming pool in my room!

13. I will sing along when I hear my favourite songs.

14. I like creating random monikers/nicknames for friends!
(ex: Wee Vien = Babez, weevzykins,etc.)
(sapphira = sappy wappy)
(rui zhi = zizi fly)
(fook hoy = fookz , seng keat = sengky!, wen kai = wenky)
(Kok Shien = kok -sounds a lil expletive-)
(Emir = emirikins, janu mirkins, emirah, etc, etc.)

15. Created a bucket list which includes bungee jumping, figure skating , ballroom dancing and
rock climbing before I get too old for them!

And this taggerism is passed on to....
-Aileen Teh
-Emir Ghazali
-Michelle Chua
-Tan Kiat Wei
-Mei Ling

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